日本語 | 英語 |
動脈 | artery |
リンパ節 | lymph node |
静脈 | vein |
内頸静脈 | internal jugular vein |
総頸動脈 | common carotid artery |
外頸静脈 | external jugular vein |
鎖骨下動脈 | subclavian artery |
鎖骨下静脈 | subclavian vein |
腋窩動脈 | axillary artery |
上大静脈 | superior vena cava |
肺動脈(静脈血) | pulmonary artery (venous blood) |
腋窩静脈 | axillary vein |
上腕動脈 | brachial artery |
下大静脈 | inferior vena cava |
腹(部)大動脈 | abdominal aorta |
橈側皮静脈 | cephalic vein |
総腸骨動脈 | common iliac artery |
尺側皮静脈 | basilic vein |
橈骨動脈 | radial artery |
尺骨動脈 | ulnar artery |
大腿静脈 | femoral vein |
大腿動脈 | femoral artery |
大伏在静脈 | great saphenous vein |
前脛骨動脈 | anterior tibial artery |
足背動脈 | dorsalis pedis artery |
頸リンパ節 | cervical lymph node |
腋窩リンパ節 | axillary lymph node |
鼠径リンパ節 | groin lymph node |
リンパ管 | lymph vessel |
血管 | blood vessel |
白血球 | white blood cell |
赤血球 | red blood cell |
血小板 | platelet |
血漿 | plasma |
毛細血管 | capillary |
日本語 | English(lay term) | English (medicine) |
動脈[どうみゃく] | artery | |
リンパ節[りんぱせつ] | lymph node, (lymph gland) | |
静脈[じょうみゃく] | vein | |
内頸静脈[ないけいじょうみゃく] | internal jugular vein | |
総頸動脈[そうけいどうみゃく] | common carotid artery | |
外頸静脈[がいけいじょうみゃく] | external jugular vein | |
鎖骨下動脈[さこつかどうみゃく] | subclavian artery | |
鎖骨下静脈[さこつかじょうみゃく] | subclavian vein | |
腋窩動脈[えきかどうみゃく] | axillary artery | |
腋窩静脈[えきかどうみゃく] | axillary vein | |
上腕動脈[じょうわんどうみゃく] | brachial artery | |
腹大動脈[ふくだいどうみゃく]、腹部大動脈[ふくぶだいどうみゃく] | abdominal aorta | |
橈側皮静脈[とうそくひじょうみゃく] | cephalic vein | |
総腸骨動脈[そうちょうこつどうみゃく] | common iliac artery | |
尺側皮静脈[しゃくそくひじょうみゃく] | basilic vein | |
橈骨動脈[とうこつどうみゃく] | radial artery | |
尺骨動脈[しゃっこつどうみゃく] | ulnar artery | |
大腿静脈[だいたいじょうみゃく] | femoral vein | |
大腿動脈[だいたいどうみゃく] | femoral artery | |
大伏在静脈[だいふくざいじょうみゃく] | great saphenous vein, GSV, long saphenous vein | |
前脛骨動脈[ぜんけいこつどうみゃく] | anterior tibial artery | |
足背動脈[そくはいどうみゃく] | dorsalis pedis artery, dorsalis pedis | |
頸リンパ節[けいりんぱせつ] | cervical lymph node | |
腋窩リンパ節[えきかりんぱせつ] | axillary lymph node | |
鼠径リンパ節[そけいりんぱせつ] | inguinal lymph node, groin lymph node | |
リンパ管[りんぱかん] | lymphatic vessel, lymph vessel | |
血管[けっかん] | blood vessel | |
白血球[はっけっきゅう] | white blood cell | white blood cell, WBC, leukocyte |
赤血球[せっけっきゅう] | red blood cell | red blood cell, RBC, erythrocyte |
血小板[けっしょうばん] | platelet | |
血漿[けっしょう] | blood plasma, plasma | |
毛細血管[もうさいけっかん] | capillary |
Example | 語の構成要素 | Note |
The major artery carrying recently oxygenated blood away from the heart is the aorta. | ||
A lymph node is one of the small, bean-shaped organs located throughout the lymphatic system. | lymph(o)-: ギ「リンパ」. | lymph gland: 使用例はすくないが、NCI Dictionary of Cancer Termsも取りあげている. |
In general, lymphatic vessels of the subcutaneous tissues of the skin, that is, the superficial lymphatics, follow the same routes as veins, whereas the deep lymphatic vessels of the viscera generally follow the paths of arteries. | subcutaneous tissue: 皮下組織. superficial lymphatic (vessel): 浅リンパ管. viscera: 内臓. | |
Blood from the brain and the superficial veins of the face flow into each internal jugular vein. | ||
The common carotid artery divides into internal and external carotid arteries. | ||
Blood from the external jugular vein empties into the subclavian vein. | ||
Each subclavian artery supplies blood to the arms, chest, shoulders, back, and central nervous system. | ||
On both the left and right sides, the subclavian vein forms when the axillary vein passes through the body wall from the axillary region. | sub-: ラ「下」「下位」「以南」「副」「亜」「やや」「半」⇔super. clavi-, clavo, clavicul(o)-: ラ「鍵」「鎖骨」. | |
As the subclavian artery exits the thorax into the axillary region, it is renamed the axillary artery. | axill-: ラ「わきの下」. | thorax: 胸郭、胸. |
As it passes through the body wall and enters the thorax, the axillary vein becomes the subclavian vein. | ||
In clinical practice, this pressure is measured in mm Hg and is usually obtained using the brachial artery of the arm. | brachi(o)-: ギ→ラ「腕」. | mm HG: 水銀柱ミリメートル[すいぎんちゅうみりめーとる]. |
Superior to the diaphragm, the aorta is called the thoracic aorta, and inferior to the diaphragm, it is called the abdominal aorta. | abdomin(o)-: ラ「腹」「腹部」. | 血管の名称としては腹大動脈がひろく採用されている一方、疾患名としては腹部大動脈の使用がしばしばみられる. |
The cephalic vein begins in the antebrachium and drains blood from the superficial surface of the arm into the axillary vein. | antebrachium: forearm; 前腕[ぜんわん]. cephalic: 「頭部」のという意味の形容詞だが、中世の誤訳で「外」としたことが残ったものとの説がある. | |
The aorta divides at approximately the level of vertebra L4 into a left and a right common iliac artery but continues as a small vessel, the median sacral artery, into the sacrum. | ili(o)-: ラ「腸骨(ilium)」. | median sacral artery, middle sacral artery: 正中仙骨動脈. |
The basilic vein continues through the arm medially and superficially to the axillary vein. | ||
The radial artery and ulnar artery parallel their namesake bones, giving off smaller branches until they reach the wrist. | radi(o)-: ラ「放射」「輻射」「半径」「橈骨」「放射性(能)」「ラジウム」「無線」. | |
The ulnar artery is formed at the bifurcation of the brachial artery. | [しゃくこつどうみゃく]とも読む. bifurcation: 分岐. | |
As the popliteal vein passes behind the knee in the popliteal region, it becomes the femoral vein. | femor(o)-: ラ「大腿(骨)」. | popliteal: (形容詞)膝窩[しっか]の. popliteal vein: 膝窩静脈. |
As the femoral artery passes posterior to the knee near the popliteal fossa, it is called the popliteal artery. | popliteal fossa: 膝窩[しっか]. popliteal artery; 膝窩動脈. | |
The great saphenous vein is a prominent surface vessel located on the medial surface of the leg and thigh that collects blood from the superficial portions of these areas. | ||
The anterior tibial artery is located between the tibia and fibula, supplying blood to the muscles and integument of the anterior tibial region. | tibia: shinbone; 脛骨[けいこつ]. fibula: calf bone; 腓骨[ひこつ]. integument: 外皮. | |
Upon reaching the tarsal region, the anterior tibial artery becomes the dorsalis pedis artery, which branches repeatedly and provides blood to the tarsal and dorsal regions of the foot. | dors(o/i)-: ラ「背」. ped(i/o)-: ラ「足」. | tarsal: (形容詞)足根骨[そっこんこつ]の. dorsal: (形容詞)背側[はいそく]の(この文脈では足背[そくはい]の). |
Cervical lymph nodes are those found in the neck, where a high concentration of lymph nodes is seen. | cervic(i/o)-: ラ「首」「頸部」. | |
Axillary lymph nodes are those found in the armpits, where relatively many lymph nodes are seen. | ||
Inguinal lymph nodes are the lymph nodes in the groin. | ||
Exceptions are the central nervous system, bone marrow, bones, teeth, and the cornea of the eye, which do not contain lymph vessels. | リンパ管についてはlymphatic nodeという表現はほぼみられないが、リンパ管についてはlymphatic nodeという言い方もある(むしろやや優勢か?). | |
Blood vessels keep blood inside a closed circulatory system. | ||
Some white blood cells have the ability to cross the endothelial layer that lines blood vessels and enter adjacent tissues. | endothelial: (形容詞)内皮の. | |
Erythrocytes, red blood cells, transport oxygen and some carbon dioxide. | oxygen: 酸素. carbon dioxide: 二酸化炭素. | |
Platelets are cell fragments involved in blood clotting. | blood clotting: blood coagulation; 血液凝固[けつえきぎょうこ]. | |
Like other fluids in the body, plasma is composed primarily of water. | ||
In the capillaries, the oxygen carried by the erythrocytes can diffuse into the plasma and then through the capillary walls to reach the cells. | capillaryはその微小性もあり、ほとんどの場合、複数形でもちいられる. |
- 医学大辞典
- 医学英和辞典
- 外来医マニュアル
- ビジュアルノート
- 「まんが 人体の不思議 」
- 「これでわかる! 人体解剖パーフェクト事典」
- 「カラー図解 人体解剖英単語辞典」
- 「しくみが見える体の図鑑」
- 「トートラ人体の構造と機能」
- ウィキペディア英語版
- Mayo Clinic
- MSD Manual, a.k.a. Merck Manual
- Johns Hopkins Medicine
- Healthline Media
- WebMD
- Urban Dictionary
- MedilnePlus Medical Encyclopeida
- OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology (Download for free at https://openstax.org/details/books/anatomy-and-physiology)