呼吸器系 — テキスト『医療通訳』の単語集を自分のものに(第11回)





日本語 英語
上気道 upper respiratory tract
下気道 lower respiratory tract
鼻腔 nasal cavity
咽頭 pharynx
喉頭 larynx
唾液腺 salivary gland
喉頭蓋 epiglottis
声帯 vocal cord
気管 trachea / wind pipe
上葉 superior lobe
中葉 middle lobe
下葉 inferior lobe
右肺 right lung
左肺 left lung
食道 esophagus / food pipe
気管支 bronchus
横隔膜 diaphragm
肺胞 alveolus
肺胞腔 alveolar space
肺胞壁 alveolar wall
副鼻腔 paranasal sinus
胸膜腔 pleural cavity
胸膜 pleura




日本語 English(lay term) English (medicine)
上気道[じょうきどう] upper respiratory tract, upper airway
下気道[かきどう] lower respiratory tract, lower airway
鼻腔[びくう] nasal cavity
喉[のど] throat
咽頭[いんとう] throat pharynx
喉頭[こうとう] voice box, throat larynx
唾液腺[だえきせん] salivary gland
喉頭蓋[こうとうがい] epiglottis
声帯[せいたい] vocal cord, vocal fold
気管[きかん] throat, windpipe, wind-pipe trachea
上葉[じょうよう] upper lobe, superior lobe
中葉[ちゅうよう] middle lobe
下葉[かよう] lower lobe, inferior lobe
右肺[うはい] right lung
左肺[さはい] left lung
食道[しょくどう] food pipe, foodpipe, gullet, throat esophagus
気管支[きかんし] bronchus
横隔膜[おうかくまく] diaphragm
肺胞[はいほう] alveolus
肺胞腔[はいほうくう] alveolar space
肺胞壁[はいほうへき] alveolar wall
副鼻腔[ふくびくう] paranasal sinus
胸膜腔[きょうまくくう] pleural cavity
胸膜[きょうまく] pleura


Example 語の構成要素 Note
The upper respiratory tract includes the nostrils, nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, pharynx and larynx. nostril: 外鼻孔[がいびこう]、または単に鼻孔; いわゆる鼻の穴; naris(複数形、nares)ともいう. 上気道には、口腔をふくんだり、副鼻腔をはずしたりなど、分類にブレがある.
The lower respiratory tract consists of the lower portion of the larynx below the vocal cord, trachea, bronchi (sing. bronchus), and the lungs. 下気道には、気管支の先の肺をふくむ分類とふくまない分類がある.
When discussing the nose, it is helpful to divide it into two major sections: the external nose, and the nasal cavity or internal nose. nas(i/o)-: ラ「鼻」.
In addition, many individuals with sleep apnea experience a dry throat in the morning after waking from sleep, which may be due to excessive snoring. のど(throat)は、頸部の前部で、発声や嚥下にかかわる器官についての日常語としてつかわれる. sleep apnea: 睡眠時無呼吸(sleep apnea syndrome: 睡眠時無呼吸症候群).
The vagus nerve directly stimulates the contraction of skeletal muscles in the pharynx and larynx to contribute to the swallowing and speech functions. pharyng(o)-: ギ「咽頭」「のど」. のど(throat)は、咽頭・喉頭・食道をふくむだが、文脈によってつかいわけあれる: 「のどがあかくなっている」(咽頭)、「もちがのどにつまる」(食道)など.
The structure of the larynx is formed by several pieces of cartilage. laryng(o)-: ギ「喉頭(larynx=voice box)」. cartilage: 軟骨、軟骨組織.
Within the mouth, the teeth and tongue begin mechanical digestion, whereas the salivary glands begin chemical digestion. mechanical digestion and chemical digestion: 機械的消化と化学的消化.
During deglutition (swallowing), the soft palate rises to close off the nasopharynx, the larynx elevates, and the epiglottis folds over the glottis. ep(i)-: ギ「上」「追加」. gloss(o)-, -glossa, -glossia, glott(o)-, glot-: ギ「舌」. glottis: 声門[せいもん].
A true vocal cord is one of the white, membranous folds attached by muscle to the thyroid and arytenoid cartilages of the larynx on their outer edges. true vocal cord: 真声帯. membranous fold: 膜状のひだ. arytenoid cartilage: 披裂軟骨[ひれつなんこつ]. vocal cords, vocal foldsといった形で通例複数形で使用される.
The trachea (windpipe) extends from the larynx toward the lungs. trache(o)-: ギ「気管」「導管」. wind pipeとの表記もあるが用例はすくない.
The left lung consists of two lobes: the superior and inferior lobes. lob(o)-: ギ→ラ→仏「葉」.
The right lung consists of three lobes: the superior, middle, and inferior lobes.
Fissures separate the lobes of the lungs from each other. Both lungs have the superior and inferior lungs, with only the right lung also having the middle lobe. fissure: 裂溝.
The right lung is shorter and wider than the left lung.
The left lung occupies a smaller volume than the right.
Anteriorly, the laryngopharynx opens into the larynx, whereas posteriorly, it enters the esophagus. esophag(o)-: ギ「食道(gullet)」. laryngopharynx: 咽喉頭.
The trachea branches into the right and left primary bronchi at the carina. bronch(o)-, bronchi(o)-: ギ「気管支」. bronchi: bronchusの複数形. primary bronchus: 主気管支[しゅきかんし]; main bronchusとも. carina: 気管竜骨[きかんりゅうこつ].
The diaphragm is the flat, dome-shaped muscle located at the base of the lungs and thoracic cavity. dia-: ギ「を通じて」「を横切って」「通して」. phren(i/o)-, phrenic(o)-: ギ「精神」「心」「横隔膜」「横隔神経」. thoracic cavity: 胸腔[きょうくう].
In external respiration, oxygen diffuses across the respiratory membrane from the alveolus to the capillary, whereas carbon dioxide diffuses out of the capillary into the alveolus. external respiration: 外呼吸、肺呼吸.
The alveolar space is the air space within alveoli that participates in gas exchange as against the alveolar dead space. alveolar dead space: 肺胞死腔[はいほうしくう].
The alveolar wall consists of three major cell types: type I alveolar cells, type II alveolar cells, and alveolar macrophages. macrophage: マクロファージ.
The paranasal sinuses are hollow, air-filled spaces located within certain bones of the skull.
Surface tension within the pleural cavity pulls the lungs outward. pleur(o)-: ギ→ラ「体側」「胸膜(pleura)」「肋骨」. surface tension: 表面張力[ひょうめんちょうりょく].
Intrapleural pressure is the pressure of the air within the pleural cavity, between the visceral and parietal pleurae. intrapleural pressure: 胸膜内圧[きょうまくないあつ]. visceral pleura: 臓側胸膜[ぞうそくきょうまく]. parietal pleura:壁側胸膜[へきそくきょうまく]. pleurae: pleuraの複数形.


