泌尿器系 — テキスト『医療通訳』の単語集を自分のものに(第12回)






日本語 英語
下大静脈 inferior vena cava
副腎 adrenal gland
腎臓(左) kidney (left)
腎臓(右) kidney (right)
腎動脈 renal artery
腎静脈 renal vein
腹(部)大動脈 abdominal aorta
尿管 ureter
膀胱 urinary bladder
尿道 urethra
腎盂 renal pelvis
皮質 cortex
髄質 medulla
糸球体 glomerulus
遠位尿細管 distal convoluted tubule
近位尿細管 proximal tubule
集合管 collecting duct
ネフロン nephron
弓状動脈・静脈 arcuate artery・arcuate vein
ボーマン嚢 Bowman’s capsule
腎小体 renal corpuscle





日本語 English(lay term) English (medicine)
下大静脈[かだいじょうみゃく] inferior vena cava
副腎[ふくじん] adrenal gland, adrenal, suprarenal gland
腎臓[じんぞう] kidney
腎動脈[じんどうみゃく] renal artery
腎静脈[じんじょうみゃく] renal vein
腹大動脈[ふくだいどうみゃく]、腹部大動脈[ふくぶだいどうみゃく] abdominal aorta
尿管[にょうかん] ureter
膀胱[ぼうこう] bladder, urinary bladder
尿道[にょうどう] urethra
腎盂[じんう] renal pelvis
腎皮質[じんひしつ] renal cortex
腎髄質[じんずいしつ] renal medulla
糸球体[しきゅうたい] glomerulus
遠位尿細管[えんいにょうさいかん] distal convoluted tubule, DCT
近位尿細管[きんいにょうさいかん] proximal tubule
集合管[しゅうごうかん] collecting duct, collecting tubule
ネフロン[ねふろん] nephron
弓状動脈[きゅうじょうどうみゃく] arcuate artery (of the kidney)
弓状静脈[きゅうじょうじょうみゃく] arcuate vein
ボーマン嚢[ぼーまんのう] Bowman’s capsule
腎小体[じんしょうたい] renal corpuscle


Example 語の構成要素 Note
The inferior vena cava drains blood from areas inferior to the diaphragm. ven(i/o)-: ラ「脈」「静脈」「葉脈」「翅脈」「鉱脈」.
The adrenal glands secrete epinephrine and norepinephrine to be released into the blood stream as hormones. ad-: ラ「方向」「変化」「付加」「完成」「開始」「近似」「単なる強意」. adren(o)-: ラ「副腎」. ren(i/o)-: ラ「腎(臓)」.
The kidneys participate in several complex endocrine pathways and produce certain hormones. nephr(o)-: ギ「腎(臓)」. ren(i/o)-: ラ「腎(臓)」. 左右一対であることからkidneysと複数形であらわされることも多い. ラテン語由来のren(i/o)-とギリシャ語由来のnephr(o)_の2つの語素は、どちらも広く使われているのが特徴. endocrine pathway: 内分泌経路.
The right renal artery is longer than the left since the aorta lies to the left of the vertebral column and the vessel must travel a greater distance to reach its target. ren(i/o)-: ラ「腎(臓)」.
Blood supply from the kidneys flows into each renal vein, normally the largest veins entering the inferior vena cava. ren(i/o)-: ラ「腎(臓)」.
Superior to the diaphragm, the aorta is called the thoracic aorta, and inferior to the diaphragm, it is called the abdominal aorta. abdomin(o)-: ラ「腹」「腹部」. 血管の名称としては腹大動脈がひろく採用されている一方、疾患名としては腹部大動脈の使用がしばしばみられる.
The renal pelvis narrows to become the ureter of each kidney. As it passes through the ureter, urine does not passively drain into the bladder but rather is propelled by waves of peristalsis. ur(i/o)-, urin(o)-, -uria: ラ「尿」「尿道」「排尿」「尿素」. ureter(o)-: ギ「尿管(ureter)」. peristalsis: 蠕動運動.
The bladder lies anterior to the uterus in females, posterior to the pubic bone and anterior to the rectum. ur(i/o)-, urin(o)-, -uria: ラ「尿」「尿道」「排尿」「尿素」. anterior:(体の)前側に. posterior:(体の)後ろ側に. pubic bone: 恥骨. rectum: 直腸.
The urethra is the only urologic organ that shows any significant anatomic difference between males and females; all other urine transport structures are identical. ur(i/o)-, urin(o)-, -uria: ラ「尿」「尿道」「排尿」「尿素」. urethr(o)-: ギ「尿道(urethra)」.
As it is formed, urine drains into the calyces of the kidney, which merge to form the funnel-shaped renal pelvis in the hilum of each kidney. ren(i/o)-: ラ「腎(臓)」. pelv(i/o)-: ラ「骨盤」「骨盤と…の」. calyces of the kidney: calyxの複数形; renal calyxとは腎杯[じんぱい].
A frontal section through the kidney reveals an outer region called the renal cortex and an inner region called the medulla. ren(i/o)-: ラ「腎(臓)」. cortic(o)-, cort-, cortex: ラ「皮質」. 皮質: 実質臓器で表層と深層の組織構造が異なる場合、表層部分を皮質とよぶ; 腎臓だけではないことに注意. frontal section: 前頭断、前額断.
The loops of cortical nephrons do not extend into the renal medulla very far, if at all. Juxtamedullary nephrons have loops that extend variable distances, some very deep into the medulla. ren(i/o)-: ラ「腎(臓)」. medull(i/o)-: ラ「髄」「髄質」. 実質臓器で表層と深層の組織構造が異なる場合、深層部分を髄質とよぶ; 腎臓だけではないことに注意. juxtamedullary: (形容詞)傍髄質の.
The glomerulus is the first part of the nephron, which then continues as a highly specialized tubular structure responsible for creating the final urine composition. glomerul(o)-: ラ「(腎臓の)糸球体」.
Potassium is excreted, both actively and passively, through the renal tubules, especially the distal convoluted tubule and collecting ducts. ula, -ule: ラ「小さい」. 尿細管: renal tubule; 近位尿細管と遠位尿細管をひと続きとしたもの. potassium: カリウム. excrete: (動詞)排出する・される.
A portal system is formed when the blood flows through a second capillary bed surrounding the proximal and distal convoluted tubules and the loop of Henle. ula, -ule: ラ「小さい」. 糸球体につづく前半部分の近位曲尿細管[きんいきょくにょうさいかん](proximal convoluted tubule, PCT)と後半部分の近位直尿細管[きんいちょくにょうさいかん](proximal straight tubule, PST)に分かれる. capillary bed: 毛細血管床. loop of Henle: Henle’s loopともいう; ヘンレ係蹄[けいてい].
Depending on the body’s fluid status at any given time, the collecting ducts can recover none or almost all of the water reaching them. ula, -ule: ラ「小さい」. 尿細管に近い側のcollecting tubuleからcollecting ductへとかわっていく.
The afferent arterioles service about 1.3 million nephrons in each kidney. nephr(o)-: ギ「腎(臓)」. 腎小体1個と尿細管1本をひとまとまりとした腎臓内の組織的単位. afferent arteriole: 輸入細動脈; afferent glomerular arteriole 輸入糸球体細動脈ともいう.
The interlobar arteries, in turn, branch into arcuate arteries, cortical radiate arteries, and then into afferent arterioles. テキスト『医療通訳』の人体図では赤い血管. 弓状動脈として代表的だが、足(arcuate artery of the foot)や子宮(arcuate vessels of the uterus)にもあるので注意する. interlobar artery: 葉間動脈. cortical radiate artery: 小葉間動脈.
The glomerulus and Bowman’s capsule together form the renal corpuscle.
After passing through the renal corpuscle, the capillaries form a second arteriole, the efferent arteriole. ren(i/o)-: ラ「腎(臓)」. 糸球体と糸球体を包むボーマン嚢からできている. efferent arteriole: 輸出細動脈; efferent glomerular arteriole 輸出糸球体細動脈ともいう.


