日本語 | 英語 |
汗腺 | sweat gland |
筋肉 | muscle |
脂肪、コラーゲン、線維芽細胞 | fat, collagen, fibroblast |
毛幹 | hair shaft |
皮脂腺 | sebaceous gland |
表皮 | epidermis |
自由神経終末 | free nerve ending |
真皮 | dermis |
神経 | nerve |
皮下組織 | subcutaneous tissue |
血管 | blood vessel |
皮膚 | skin |
涙腺 | lacrimal gland |
強膜 | sclera |
脈絡膜 | choroid |
網膜 | retina |
硝子体 | vitreous body |
眼瞼(まぶた) | eyelid |
睫毛(まつげ) | eyelash |
虹彩 | iris |
中心窩 | fovea centralis |
瞳孔 | pupil |
視神経乳頭 | optic disc |
角膜 | cornea |
水晶体 | lens |
視神経 | optic nerve |
結膜 | conjunctiva |
毛様体 | ciliary body |
耳小骨 | auditory ossicles |
ツチ骨 | malleus / hammer |
キヌタ骨 | incus / anvil |
アブミ骨 | stapes / stirrup |
三半規管 | semicircular canals |
蝸牛 | cochlea |
耳介 | auricle |
外耳道 | external ear canal |
鼓膜 | tympanic membrane / eardrum |
鼓室 | tympanic cavity |
耳管 | Eustachian tube |
外耳 | outer ear |
中耳 | middle ear |
内耳 | inner ear |
ここで”tear gland”をlay termとしましたが、むつかしいところです。専門用語・技術用語というのは、専門性の高い専門用語と、専門性の低い専門用語というものがあって、”tear gland”というのは、専門性の低い専門用語といったところでしょうか。”sweat gland”や”oil gland”など、こういったものはすくなくありません。
日本語 | English(lay term) | English (medicine) |
汗腺[かんせん] | sweat gland | sudoriferous gland |
筋[きん]、筋肉[きんにく] | muscle | |
脂肪[しぼう]、脂肪組織[しぼうそしき] | fat, body fat, fat tissue | adipose tissue |
コラーゲン[こらーげん] | collagen | |
線維芽組織[せんいがそしき] | fibroblast | |
毛幹[もうかん] | hair shaft | |
皮脂腺[ひしせん] | oil gland | sebaceous gland |
表皮[ひょうひ] | epidermis | |
自由神経終末[じゆうしんけいしゅうまつ] | free nerve ending | |
真皮[しんぴ] | dermis | |
神経[しんけい] | nerve | |
皮下組織[ひしそしき] | subcutaneous tissue, hypodermis superficial fascia, subcutis | |
血管[けっかん] | blood vessel | |
皮膚[ひふ] | skin | skin |
涙腺[るいせん] | tear gland | lacrimal gland |
強膜[きょうまく] | white of the eye | sclera |
脈絡膜[みゃくりゃくまく] | choroid | |
網膜[もうまく] | retina | |
硝子体[しょうしたい] | vitreous body, vitreous humor, vitreous | |
眼瞼[がんけん、まぶた] | eyelid | palpebra |
睫毛[しょうもう、まつげ] | lash | eyelash |
虹彩[こうさい] | iris | |
中心窩[ちゅうしんか] | fovea centralis, central fovea, fovea | |
瞳孔[どうこう] | pupil | |
視神経乳頭[ししんけいにゅうとう]、視神経円板[ししんけいえんばん] | optic disc, optic nerve head, ONH | |
角膜[かくまく] | cornea | |
水晶体[すいしょうたい] | lens | |
視神経[ししんけい] | optic nerve | |
結膜[けつまく] | conjunctiva | |
毛様体[もうようたい] | ciliary body | |
耳小骨[じしょうこつ] | auditory ossicle, ossicle | |
ツチ骨[つちこつ] | malleus, hammer | |
キヌタ骨[きむたこつ] | incus, anvil | |
アブミ骨[あぶみこつ] | stapes, stirrup | |
半規管[はんきかん] | semicircular canal, semicircular duct | |
蝸牛[かぎゅう] | cochlea | |
耳介[じかい] | auricle, pinna | |
外耳道[がいじどう] | ear canal, external auditory canal, external auditory meatus, external ear canal, external acoustic meatus | |
鼓膜[こまく] | tympanic membrane, eardrum | |
鼓室[こしつ] | tympanic cavity | |
耳管[じかん] | Eustachian tube, auditory tube | |
外耳[がいじ] | external ear, outer ear | |
中耳[ちゅうじ] | middle ear | |
内耳[ないじ] | inner ear, internal ear |
Example | 語の構成要素 | Note |
When the body becomes warm, sudoriferous glands, widely known as sweat glands, produce sweat to cool the body. | cf. hidr(o)-: ギ「発汗」「汗腺」. diaphor-: ギ→ラ「発汗」. | sweat glandは、専門的にも普及度が高い. |
When you lift a brick into place on a wall, your muscles provide the mechanical energy that moves the brick. | muscul(o)-: ラ「筋(肉)」. my(o)-: ギ「筋肉」. | |
Adipose tissue produces and secretes several hormones involved in lipid metabolism and storage. | lip(o)-: ギ「脂肪」. adip(o)-: ラ「脂肪」「脂肪組織」「アジピン酸」. | |
Three main types of fibers are secreted by fibroblasts: collagen fibers, elastic fibers, and reticular fibers. | collagen fiber: 膠原線維[こうげんせんい]. elastic fiber: 弾性線維[だんせいせんい]. reticular fiber: 細網線維[さいもうせんい]. | |
The most abundant cell in connective tissue proper is the fibroblast. | fibr(o)-: ラ「線維」「線維組織」「線維素」. blast(o)-: ギ「胚」「芽」. | connective tissue proper: 固有結合組織[こゆうけつごうそしき]. |
The hair shaft is the part of the hair not anchored to the follicle, and much of this is exposed at the skin’s surface. | follicle: hair follicle, 毛包. | |
A sebaceous gland is a type of oil gland that is found all over the body and helps to lubricate and waterproof the skin and hair. | ||
The skin acts as a sense organ because the epidermis, dermis, and the hypodermis contain specialized sensory nerve structures that detect touch, surface temperature, and pain. | ep(i)-: ギ「上」「追加」. dermat(o)-, derm(o)-, -derma: ギ「皮膚」. | |
The pain and temperature receptors in the dermis of the skin are examples of neurons that have free nerve endings | nerv(i/o)-: ラ「神経(系)」(まれ、ほぼ neur(i/o)-が使われる). neur(i/o)-: ギ「神経(組織)」「神経系」. | receptor: 受容器. |
The skin is composed of two main layers: the epidermis, made of closely packed epithelial cells, and the dermis, made of dense irregular connective tissue that houses blood vessels, hair follicles, sweat glands, and other structures. | dermat(o)-, derm(o)-, -derma: ギ「皮膚」. | epithelial cell: 上皮細胞[じょうひさいぼう]. dense irregular connective tissue: 交織性結合組織. |
Many functions of the body decline with age, and nerves do not transmit impulses with the same speed and frequency as in the past. | nerv(i/o)-: ラ「神経(系)」(まれ、ほぼ neur(i/o)-が使われる). neur(i/o)-: ギ「神経(組織)」「神経系」. | |
In general, lymphatic vessels of the subcutaneous tissues of the skin, that is, the superficial lymphatics, follow the same routes as veins, whereas the deep lymphatic vessels of the viscera generally follow the paths of arteries. | sub-: ラ「下」「下位」「以南」「副」「亜」「やや」「半」. cutane(o)-: ラ「皮膚」. | superficial lymphatic (vessel): 浅リンパ管[せんりんぱかん]. deep lymphatic vessel: 深リンパ管. viscera: 内臓. |
Blood vessels keep blood inside a closed circulatory system. | ||
The skin functions as an endocrine organ in the production of the inactive form of vitamin D3 , cholecalciferol. | cholecalciferol: コレカルシフェロール. | |
Tears are produced by the lacrimal gland, located beneath the lateral edges of the nose. | lacrim(o)-: ラ「涙」. cf. dacry(o)-: ギ「涙」. | |
The sclera accounts for five sixths of the surface of the eye, most of which is not visible, though humans are unique compared with many other species in having so much of the “white of the eye” visible. | scler(o)-: ギ「堅い」「強膜」. | |
The choroid is a layer of highly vascularized connective tissue that provides a blood supply to the eyeball. | oid: ギ「~のような(もの)」「~状の(もの)」「~質の(もの)」. | vascularized:(形容詞)血管が通った. |
The retina is composed of several layers and contains specialized cells for the initial processing of visual stimuli. | retin(o)-: ラ「網膜(retina)」. | |
The posterior cavity is filled with a more viscous fluid called the vitreous humor. | vitr(o)-: ラ「ガラス(glass)」. vitre(o)-: ラ「硝子体の(vitreous body)」. | viscous:(形容詞)粘性のある、粘っこい. |
The eyelids, with lashes at their leading edges, help to protect the eye from abrasions by blocking particles that may land on the surface of the eye. | palpebr-: ラ「まぶた」. | palpebra: 医学書などでつかわれることもあるが、現在の使用はきわめてすくないともみられる. abrasion: 表皮剥脱[ひょうひはくだつ]、剥離[はくり]. |
The hair in the nose and ears, and around the eyes (eyelashes) defends the body by trapping and excluding dust particles that may contain allergens and microbes. | allergen: 抗原[こうげん]. microbe: 微生物[びせいぶつ]. | |
Overlaying the ciliary body, and visible in the anterior eye, is the iris—the colored part of the eye. | irid(o)-: ギ「虹彩」. | |
At the exact center of the retina is a small area known as the fovea. At the fovea, the retina lacks the supporting cells and blood vessels, and only contains photoreceptors. Therefore, visual acuity, or the sharpness of vision, is greatest at the fovea. | photoreceptor: 光受容器[ひかりじゅようき]. visual acuity: 視力. | |
Pupils will constrict to limit the amount of light falling on the retina under bright lighting conditions. | ||
Why does the blind spot from the optic disc in either eye not result in a blind spot in the visual field? | optic(o)-: ギ→中仏「光学と…の」「眼の」「眼[視覚]と…の」. | 視細胞がなく視覚が生じないため「盲斑[もうはん]」「盲点[もうてん] 」blind spot, punctum cecumと機能面からいわれる. |
The transparent cornea covers the anterior tip of the eye and allows light to enter the eye. | ||
To keep the stimulus in focus, the eye also needs to change the shape of the lens, which is controlled through the parasympathetic fibers of the oculomotor nerve. | oculomotor nerve: 動眼神経(第III脳神経) | |
The eyes are just inferior to the anterior-most part of the cerebrum, but the optic nerve extends back to the thalamus as the optic tract, with branches into a region of the hypothalamus. | optic(o)-: ギ→中仏「光学と…の」「眼の」「眼[視覚]と…の」. | 視神経: 第II脳神経 cranial nerve II/CN II |
The conjunctiva extends over the white areas of the eye (the sclera), connecting the eyelids to the eyeball. | conjunctiv(o)-: ラ「結膜」. | |
The choroid is posterior to the ciliary body, a muscular structure that is attached to the lens by suspensory ligaments, or zonule fibers. | cili(i/o)-: ラ「毛様体」「睫毛(cilia)」「繊毛」. | suspensory ligament: 提靱帯、提索; 部位によって名前が異なる; 目では毛様体小帯. zonule fiber: 小帯線維. |
Conductive hearing relies on vibrations being conducted through the ossicles of the middle ear. | ossi- ラ「骨」. | 耳小骨にはツチ骨、キヌタ骨、アブミ骨があるが、耳小骨ということばをつかうときはこの3つすべてを指すことがおおいため通例複数形であらわされる。Conductive hearing: 伝音. |
The malleus is attached to the tympanic membrane and articulates with the incus. | ||
The incus, in turn, articulates with the stapes. | ||
The stapes is then attached to the inner ear, where the sound waves will be transduced into a neural signal. | transduce:(他動) 変換する. | |
If the head rotates in one direction—for example, to the right—the horizontal pair of semicircular canals in the inner ear indicate the movement by increased activity on the right and decreased activity on the left. | semi-: ラ「半ば…」「幾分…」「やや…」. | 三半規管とは3つの半規管ということ(three semicircular canals). |
The inner ear contains the cochlea and vestibule, which are responsible for audition and equilibrium, respectively. | vestibule: 前庭. audition: 聴覚. equilibrium: 平衡. | |
The large, fleshy structure on the lateral aspect of the head is known as the auricle. | aur(i)-: ラ「耳」. c.f. ot(o)-: ギ「耳」. | pinnaは動物についてつかわれることがおおいとの見方がある. |
The C-shaped curves of the auricle direct sound waves toward the auditory canal. | いわゆる「耳の穴」. | |
At the end of the auditory canal is the tympanic membrane, or ear drum, which vibrates after it is struck by sound waves. | tympan(o)-: ギ「鼓室」「鼓膜」. | |
The tympanic cavity is a small hollow space surrounding the three ossicles, the malleus, incus, and stapes, of the middle ear. | tympan(o)-: ギ「鼓室」「鼓膜」. | |
The middle ear is connected to the pharynx through the Eustachian tube, which helps equilibrate air pressure across the tympanic membrane. | equilibrate: (動詞)平衡をとる. | |
The external ear contains the auricle, ear canal, and tympanic membrane. | extra-, extro-, extr-, exter-: ラ「外の」「範囲外の」「外へ」. | 外耳には、鼓膜をふくむ分類とふくまないものがある. |
The middle ear consists of a space spanned by three small bones called the ossicles. | span:(動詞)懸かる. | |
Problems with balance, such as vertigo, and deficits in hearing may both point to problems with the inner ear. | inter-: ラ「中」「間」「相互」「以内」. | deficit: 欠損. |
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