テキスト『医療通訳』の単語集を自分のものにしよう・第2回 — 人体各部位(後面)



日本語 英語
頭(頭部) head
うなじ(後頸部) nape
首(頸部) neck
腕(上肢) arm (upper extremity)
上腕 upper arm
前腕 forearm
肘(肘関節) elbow (elbow joint)
手首 wrist
手の指(手指) finger
背中(背部) back
waist / hip
お尻(臀部) buttocks / bottom
脚(下肢) leg (lower extremity)
太もも(大腿) thigh
下腿 lower leg
ふくらはぎ(腓腹) calf
かかと heel
足の裏(足底) sole



日本語 English(lay term) English (medicine)
頭、頭部 head
うなじ、後頸部[こうけいぶ]、項部[こうぶ] nape nucha
首、頸部[けいぶ] neck cervix
腕、上肢[じょうし] arm upper limb, upper extremity
上腕[じょうわん] upper arm, arm brachium
前腕[ぜんわん] forearm antebrachium
肘、肘関節[ひじかんせつ・ちゅうかんせつ] elbow, elbow joint
手首 wrist carpus
手の指、手指[しゅし finger digit of the hand
背中、背部 back dorsum
腰、腰部[ようぶ] waist, hip, lower back lumbar region
お尻、臀部[でんぶ] buttocks, bottom, hip
脚、下肢[かし] leg lower limb, lower extremity
太もも、大腿[もも・ふともも・だいたい] thigh
下腿[かたい] lower leg
ふくらはぎ、腓腹[ひふく] calf
かかと heel
足の裏、足底[そくてい] sole


Example 語の構成要素 Note
A primary headache is caused by overactivity of or problems with pain-sensitive structures in your head.
An incision may be made from behind the hairline in front of your ear and the nape of your neck.
Classic symptoms of viral meningitis are fever, headache, and neck stiffness (nuchal rigidity).
Arm pain can be caused by a wide variety of problems, ranging from joint injuries to compressed nerves. 解剖学的にはarmは上腕のこと.
A contraceptive implant is a flexible plastic rod about the size of a matchstick that is placed under the skin of the upper arm. brachi(o)-: ギ→ラ「腕」
The bones that are most commonly tested to measure bone density are in the spine, hip and sometimes the forearm. ante-: ラ(時間・空間・順序)「~の前」; ⇔post-
A dislocated elbow occurs when the bones that make up the joint are forced out of alignment.
Baseball elbow is characterized by pain from the elbow to the wrist on the inside of the elbow. carp(o)-: ギ→ラ「手根(骨)」 carpusは手根骨を集合的に意味することもある.
Often, having cold hands is a part of your body’s natural response to regulate your body temperature and shouldn’t be cause for concern.
Nails protect the extremities of our fingers and toes from mechanical damage.
Five vertebrae numbered as L1–L5 are located in lumbar region (lower back) of the vertebral column. dors(o/i)-: ラ「背」
When you place your hands on your waist, you can feel the arching, superior margin of the ilium along your waistline. lumb(o)-: ラ「腰椎」 ◎hipは日本語の「腰」「お尻」に部分的に重なる.◎いわゆる「腰痛」はlower back pain (lumbago).
For the buttocks, the size of the muscles influences the names: gluteus maximus (largest), gluteus medius (medium), and the gluteus minimus (smallest). gluteus maximus; gluteus medius; gluteus minimus: それぞれ大殿筋、中殿筋、小殿筋.
The muscles that move the lower leg typically originate on the femur and insert into the bones of the knee joint.
The posterior muscles of the femur flex the lower leg but also aid in extending the thigh.
A combination of gluteal and thigh muscles also adduct, abduct, and rotate the thigh and lower leg.
The most superficial and visible muscle of the calf is the gastrocnemius. gastrocnemius: 腓腹筋.
The foot also has intrinsic muscles, which originate and insert within it. intrinsic muscle: 内在筋.
Tandem gait is when the patient places the heel of one foot against the toe of the other foot and walks in a straight line in that manner. tandem gait: 継ぎ足歩行、タンデム歩行
While walking, the sole of the foot may be scraped or scratched by many things.


