テキスト『医療通訳』の単語集を自分のものにしよう・第7回 — 脳神経系






日本語 英語
自律神経 autonomic nerve
交感神経 sympathetic nerve
副交感神経 parasympathetic nerve
中枢神経 central nerve
末梢神経 peripheral nerve
頭蓋骨 skull / cranium
脳弓 fornix
大脳 cerebrum
脳梁 corpus callosum
間脳 diencephalon / interbrain
視床 thalamus
松果体 pineal body
視床下部 hypothalamus
中脳 mesencephalon / midbrain
小脳 cerebellum
延髄 medulla oblongata
脊髄 spinal cord
脳幹 brainstem
硬膜 dura mater
くも膜 arachnoid mater
軟膜 pia mater
視交叉 optic chiasm
髄膜 meninges
脳下垂体 pituitary gland


日本語 English(lay term) English (medicine)
自律神経[じりつしんけい]、自律神経系[じりつしんけいけい] autonomic nerve, autonomic nervous system/ANS
交感神経[こうかんしんけい]、交感神経系[こうかんしんけいけい] sympathetic nerve. sympathetic nervous system/SNS
副交感神経[ふくこうかんしんけい]、副交感神経系[ふくこうかんしんけいけい] parasympathetic nerve, parasympathetic nervous system/PSNS
中枢神経[ちゅうすうしんけい]、中枢神経系[ちゅうすうしんけいけい] central nerve, central nervous system/CNS
末梢神経[まっしょうしんけい]、末梢神経系[まっしょうしんけいけい] peripheral nerve, peripheral nervous system/PNS
頭蓋骨[とうがいこつ(ずがいこつ)] skull skull, cranium
脳弓[のうきゅう] fornix
大脳[だいのう] cerebrum
脳梁[のうりょう] corpus callosum
間脳[かんのう] diencephalon (interbrain)
視床[ししょう] thalamus
松果体[しょうかたい] pineal gland, pineal body (epiphysis cerebri)
視床下部[ししょうかぶ] hypothalamus
中脳[ちゅうのう] midbrain (mesencephalon)
小脳[しょうのう] cerebellum
橋[きょう] pons
延髄[えんずい] medulla oblongata, medulla
脊髄[せきずい] spinal cord
脳幹[のうかん] brainstem
硬膜[こうまく] dura mater, dura
くも膜[くもまく] arachnoid mater, arachnoid
軟膜[なんまく] pia mater, pia
視交叉[しこうさ] optic chiasm, optic chiasma
髄膜[ずいまく] meninges (単数形: meninx)
脳下垂体[のうかすいたい]、下垂体 pituitary gland, pituitary body (hypophysis cerebri)


Example 語の構成要素 Note
The autonomic nervous system is responsible for involuntary control of the body, usually for the sake of homeostasis (regulation of the internal environment). aut(o)-: ギ「自身の」「独自の」「自動の」. nerv(i/o)-: ラ「神経(系)」(まれ、ほぼ neur(i/o)-が使われる).
Thee sympathetic nervous system is responsible for dilating the pupil when light levels are low. sy, syl-, sym-, syn-, sys-: ギ「共に」「同時に」「類似」.
Regulation of pancreatic secretion is the job of hormones and the parasympathetic nervous system. par(a)-, hの前ではpar-: ギ「副次的」「異常」「疑似」.
The central nervous system (CNS) is the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) is everything else.
The peripheral nervous system is so named because it is on the periphery—meaning beyond the brain and spinal cord. peri-: ギ「近い」「まわり[周囲]の」.
The brain is contained within the cranial cavity of the skull. crani(o)-: ギ→ラ「頭蓋」 一般的には「ずがいこつ」と読むが、医学的には「とうがいこつ」. craniumといった場合、下顎骨(mandible)をふくまない分類もある.
One of the primal pathways of the outputs from the hippocampus is the fornix.
The adult brain is separated into four major regions: the cerebrum, the diencephalon, the brain stem, and the cerebellum. cerebr(o)-: ラ「脳」「大脳」. 終脳(telencephalon)として分類されることもある.
For a verbal command to initiate movement of the right arm and hand, the left side of the brain needs to be connected by the corpus callosum. corp(o)-, corpor-, corpus-: ラ「体」.
The diencephalon continues to be referred to by this Greek name, because there is no better term for it (dia- = “through”). dia-: ギ「を通じて」「を横切って」「通して」. cephal(o)-: ギ「頭」「頭部」. interbrainとしての使用例はすくない.
The two major regions of the diencephalon are the thalamus itself and the hypothalamus.
The endocrine system includes the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, and pineal glands. epiphysis cerebriとしての使用例はすくない. endocrine system: 内分泌系. thyroid gland: 甲状腺. parathyroid gland: 副甲状腺. adrenal gland: (suprarenal glandとも) 副腎.
The hypothalamus, thymus, heart, kidneys, stomach, small intestine, liver, skin, female ovaries, and male testes are other organs that contain cells with endocrine function. hyp(o)-: ギ「下に」「以下」. thymus: 胸腺. ovary: 卵巣. testis: (複 testes; testicleとも)精巣.
The brain stem includes the midbrain, pons, and medulla. mesencephalonとしての使用例はすくない.
In the adult brain, the cerebellum seems close to the cerebrum, but there is no direct connection between them. cerebell(i/o)-: ラ「小脳(cerebellum)」.
The pons and the medulla regulate several crucial functions, including the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and rates.
Nervous control over heart rate is centralized within the two paired cardiovascular centers of the medulla oblongata. medull(i/o)-: ラ「髄」「髄質」.
The vertebral column also protects the spinal cord, which passes down the back through openings in the vertebrae. spin(i/o)-: ラ→古仏『脊柱」「脊髄」. vertebral column: 脊柱. vertebra: 椎骨; 複数形 vertebraeで集合的に脊椎とも.
The motor neurons that tell the skeletal muscle fibers to contract originate in the spinal cord, with a smaller number located in the brainstem for activation of skeletal muscles of the face, head, and neck. motor neuron: 運動ニューロン. skeletal muscle fiber: 骨格筋線維.
The dura mater is a thick fibrous layer and a strong protective sheath over the entire brain and spinal cord. fibrous: adj. 線維(質)の. sheath: 鞘[しょう].
The arachnoid mater is a membrane of thin fibrous tissue that forms a loose sac around the central nervous system. -oid: ギ「~のような(もの)」「~状の(もの)」「~質の(もの)」. membrane: 膜. fibrous tissue: 線維組織.
The outer surface of the central nervous system is covered in the thin fibrous membrane of the pia mater.
The axons from the medial retina of the left eye cross over to the right side of the brain at the optic chiasm. op-, opia, -opic, ops(i/o)-, —opsia, -opsis, opt-, -optic, optico-, -opy: ギ「視力」「視覚障害」. axon: (神経細胞の)軸索. medial: (形容詞)内側の、正中線側の、中心線側. retina: 網膜.
The suffix “-itis” denotes inflammation of a specific organ or type, for example, meningitis refers to the inflammation of the meninges, the tough membranes that surround the central nervous system.
The pituitary gland secretes growth hormone (GH), which, as its name implies, controls bone growth in several ways. hypophysis cerebriとしての使用例はすくないが、こちらを主要につかっている分類もある. secrete: (動詞)分泌する.


