」をつかって、腹痛をおこす疾患をざっとピックアップし、さらに医学書院の「医学大辞典 第2版
消化管 digestive tract
日本語 |
英語 |
Lay Terms |
ウィルス性胃腸炎 |
viral gastroenteritis |
stomach flu, stomach bug, stomach virus |
急性胃炎 |
acute gastritis |
sudden inflammation of the stomach |
消化性潰瘍 |
peptic ulcer |
急性腸炎 |
acute enteritis |
sudden inflammation of the intestine |
食中毒 |
foodborne illness, foodborne disease |
food poisoning |
急性虫垂炎 |
acute appendicitis |
sudden inflammation of the appendix |
イレウス |
ileus |
消化管穿孔 |
gastrointestinal perforation |
大腸憩室炎 |
diverticulitis |
inflammation of a pouch formed within the bowel wall |
大腸ヘルニア嵌頓 |
incarceration of an inguinal hernia |
S状結腸捻転 |
sigmoid vulvulus |
sigmoid colon torsion, twisting of the sigmoid colon |
急性腸間膜動脈閉塞症 |
acute mesenteric arterial occlusion |
虚血性腸炎 |
ischemic enteritis, IE |
胃アニサキス症 |
gastric anisakiasis |
肝・胆・膵 liver/gallbladder/pancreas
日本語 |
英語 |
Lay Terms |
胆石症 |
cholelithiasis |
gallstone |
胆道感染症 |
biliary tract infection |
急性閉塞性化膿性胆管炎 |
acute obstructive suppurative cholangitis, AOSC |
膵炎 |
pancreatitis |
肝癌破裂 |
liver cancer rupture |
肝膿瘍破裂 |
liver abscess rupture |
肝周囲炎 |
perihepatitis |
inflammation of the tissue around the liver |
尿路 urinary tract
日本語 |
英語 |
Lay Terms |
急性腎盂腎炎 |
acute pyelonephritis |
inflammation of the kidney tissue, calyces, and renal pelvis |
尿管結石 |
ureterolithiasis |
ureteral stone |
女性疾患 gynecological diseases
日本語 |
英語 |
Lay Terms |
子宮外妊娠 |
eccyesis, ectopic pregnancy |
pregnancy outside the womb |
卵巣出血 |
ovarian bleeding, ovarian hemorrhage |
卵巣嚢腫茎捻転 |
ovarian cyst pedicle torsion |
子宮付属器炎 |
(uterine) adnexitis |
inflammation of uterine appendages |
診断 diagnosis
日本語 |
英語 |
Lay Terms |
問診 |
interview |
薬剤服用歴 |
past medication history |
ステロイド系抗炎症薬 |
steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, SAID |
非ステロイド性抗炎症薬 |
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, NSAID |
疼痛の部位 |
site of the pain |
下痢 |
diarrhea |
嘔吐 |
emesis |
vomiting |
発熱 |
pyrexia |
fever |
黄疸 |
jaundice |
貧血 |
anemia |
体温 |
(body) temperature |
反跳痛 |
rebound tenderness |
筋性防御 |
muscle guarding, abdominal guarding |
腸雑音 |
intestinal murmur |
肋骨脊柱角 |
costovertebral angle, CVA |
叩打痛(こうだつう) |
pain to percussion, tenderness to percussion |
直腸指診 |
digital rectal palpation |
検尿 |
urinalysis |
urine test |
血尿 |
hematuria |
blood in urine |
血液検査 |
blood test |
血算 |
blood count, blood cell count |
アスパラギン酸アミノ基転移酵素 |
aspartate aminotransferase, AST |
アラニンアミノ基転移酵素 |
alanine aminotransferase, ALT |
γ-GTP |
gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase |
乳酸脱水素酵素 |
lactate dehydrogenase, LDH |
アルカリフォスファターゼ |
alkaline phosphatase, ALP |
C反応性蛋白 |
carbohydrate reactive protein, CRP |
腹部X線検査 |
abdominal X-ray |
胸部X線検査 |
chest X-ray |
腹部CT |
abdominal CT |
胸部CT |
chest CT |