テキスト『医療通訳』の単語集を自分のものにしよう・第6回 — 消化器各部位





日本語 英語
口腔 oral cavity
咽頭 pharynx
食道 esophagus / food pipe
肝臓 liver
胆管 bile duct
胆のう gallbladder
十二指腸 duodenum
脾臓 spleen
膵臓 pancreas
小腸 small intestine
大腸 large intestine
盲腸 cecum / appendix
虫垂 vermiform appendix
直腸 rectum
肛門 anus
門脈 portal vein


日本語 English(lay term) English (medicine)
口腔[こうくう] oral cavity
舌[した] tongue
咽頭[いんとう] throat pharynx
食道[しょくどう] food pipe, foodpipe, gullet esophagus
肝臓[かんぞう] liver
胆管[たんかん] bile duct
胆のう/胆嚢[たんのう] gallbladder, gall bladder
胃[い] stomach
十二指腸[じゅうにしちょう] duodenum
脾臓[ひぞう] spleen
膵臓[すいぞう] pancreas
小腸[しょうちょう] small bowel small intestine
大腸[だいちょう] large bowel large intestine, colon
盲腸[もうちょう] cecum
虫垂[ちゅうすい] appendix, vermiform appendix
直腸[ちょくちょう] rectum
肛門[こうもん] anus
門脈[もんみゃく] portal vein, hepatic portal vein


Example 語の構成要素 Note
An iconic part of a doctor’s visit is the inspection of the oral cavity and pharynx, suggested by the directive to “open your mouth and say ‘ah.’” or(o)-: ラ「口」.
Stimuli applied to specific locations on the tongue will dissolve into the saliva and may stimulate taste buds connected to either the left or right of the nerves, masking any lateral deficits. lingu(i/o)-: ラ「言語」「舌」.
The vagus nerve directly stimulates the contraction of skeletal muscles in the pharynx and larynx to contribute to the swallowing and speech functions. pharyng(o)-: ギ「咽頭」「のど」 のど(throat)は、咽頭・喉頭・食道をふくむだが、文脈によってつかいわけあれる: 「のどがあかくなっている」(咽頭)、「もちがのどにつまる」(食道)など.
Anteriorly, the laryngopharynx opens into the larynx, whereas posteriorly, it enters the esophagus. esophag(o)-: ギ「食道(gullet)」. laryngopharynx: 咽喉頭.
In addition to being an accessory digestive organ, the liver plays a number of roles in metabolism and regulation. hepat(o)-: ギ「肝臓」
The gallbladder stores, concentrates, and, when stimulated, propels the bile into the duodenum via the common bile duct. bili-: ラ→古仏「胆汁」「胆汁から誘導された」 common bile duct: 総胆管. bile: 胆汁.
The gallbladder‘s mucosa absorbs water and ions from bile, concentrating it by up to ten-fold. chol(e/o)-: ギ「胆汁」. cholecyst(o)-: ギ「胆嚢」. cholecystという単語もあることはあるが、胆嚢そのものを指すよりも、胆嚢炎(cholecystitis)や胆嚢摘出術(cholecystectomy)などにつかわれる.
The digestion of protein starts in the stomach, where HCl and pepsin break proteins into smaller polypeptides, which then travel to the small intestine. gastr(o/i)-: ギ「胃」. HCI: hydrogen chloride 塩化水素. pepsin: ペプシン.
Active transport mechanisms, primarily in the duodenum and jejunum, absorb most proteins as their breakdown products, amino acids. duoden(o)-: ラ「十二指腸」. active transport mechanism: 能動輸送機構.
Throughout adulthood, the liver and spleen maintain their ability to generate the formed elements. splen(o)-: ギ「脾臓(spleen)」. formed element: (血液)有形成分.
Hormones secreted by several endocrine glands, as well as endocrine cells of the pancreas, the stomach, and the small intestine, contribute to the control of digestion and nutrient metabolism. pancreat(o)-: ギ「膵(臓)」.
Foods are not processed in the order they are eaten; rather, they are mixed together with digestive juices in the stomach until they are converted into chyme, which is released into the small intestine. ile(o)-: ギ「回腸(ileum)」(ilio-: ラ「腸骨(ilium)」との混同に注意). 小腸は十二指腸(duodenum)、空腸(jejunum)、回腸(ileum)で構成されている. chyme: 糜粥[びじゅく](cf. bolus 食塊[しょくかい])
Bacteria in the large intestine ferment the undigested lactose, a process that produces gas. col(i/o)-, colono-: ギ「結腸」「大腸菌」. 大腸は盲腸(cecum)、結腸(colon)、直腸(rectum)によって構成される(肛門管 anal canalをふくむ資料、さらに肛門 anusをふくむ資料もある). colonは結腸を指すが、大腸そのものをおおまかにしてつかわれる(大腸内視鏡検査 colonoscopyなど). lactose: ラクトース、乳糖.
The first part of the large intestine is the cecum, a sac-like structure that is suspended inferior to the ileocecal valve. ileocecal valve: 回盲弁.
The appendix (or vermiform appendix) is a winding tube that attaches to the cecum.
Food residue leaving the sigmoid colon enters the rectum in the pelvis, near the third sacral vertebra. rect(o)-: ラ「直腸(rectum)」. sigmoid colon: S状結腸. sacral vertebra: 仙椎.
Both the mouth and anus are open to the external environment; thus, food and wastes within the alimentary canal are technically considered to be outside the body. an(o)-: ラ「肛門」. alimentary canal: 消化管(digestive tract, gastrointestinal tract, GI tractとも). 肛門については俗語がおおいが、使用はひかえる.
Nutrient-rich blood from the small intestine is then carried to the liver via the hepatic portal vein.

※ 下表は画像データとしてダウンロード可能です。

