循環器系・心臓各部位 — テキスト『医療通訳』の単語集を自分のものに(第9回)





日本語 英語
大動脈弓 aortic arch
左肺動脈 left pulmonary artery
右肺動脈 right pulmonary artery
下行大動脈 descending aorta
上大静脈 superior vena cava
上行大動脈 ascending aorta
左肺静脈 left pulmonary vein
右肺静脈 right pulmonary vein
右心房 right atrium
左冠状動脈 left coronary artery
右冠状動脈 right coronary artery
下大静脈 inferior vena cava
肺動脈弁 pulmonary valve
左心房 left atrium
大動脈弁 aortic valve
僧帽弁 mitral valve / bicuspid valve
左心室 left ventricle
三尖弁 tricuspid valve
心室中隔 interventricular septum
右心室 right ventricle
心筋 cardiac muscle


日本語 English(lay term) English (medicine)
大動脈弓[だいどうみゃくきゅう] aortic arch, arch of the aorta
左肺動脈[ひだりはいどうみゃく] left pulmonary artery
右肺動脈[みぎはいどうみゃく] right pulmonary artery
下行大動脈[かこうだいどうみゃく] descending aorta
上大静脈[じょうだいじょうみゃく] superior vena cava
上行大動脈[じょうこうだいどうみゃく] ascending aorta
左肺静脈[ひだりはいじょうみゃく] left pulmonary vein
右肺静脈[みぎはいじょうみゃく] right pulmonary vein
右心房[うしんぼう] right atrium
左冠状動脈[ひだりかんじょうどうみゃく]、左冠動脈[ひだりかんどうみゃく] left coronary artery
右冠状動脈[みぎかんじょうどうみゃく]、右冠動脈[みぎかんどうみゃく] right coronary artery
下大静脈[かだいじょうみゃく] inferior vena cava
肺動脈弁[はいどうみゃくべん] pulmonary valve
左心房[さしんぼう] left atrium
大動脈弁[だいどうみゃくべん] aortic valve
僧帽弁[そうぼうべん] mitral valve, bicuspid valve, left atrioventricular valve
左心室[さしんしつ] left ventricle
三尖弁[さんせんべん] tricuspid valve, right atrioventricular valve
心室中隔[しんしつちゅうかく] interventricular septum
右心室[うしんしつ] right ventricle
心筋[しんきん] cardiac muscle


Example 語の構成要素 Note
The aorta consists of the ascending aorta, the aortic arch, and the descending aorta.
The blood in the right and left pulmonary arteries is low in oxygen but relatively high in carbon dioxide. pulmo-, pulmon(i/o)-: ラ「肺」「肺と…との」. arteri(o)-: ギ「動脈」. 肺動脈には静脈血(venous blood)がながれる一方、肺静脈には動脈血(arterial blood )がながれていることに注意する.
pulmonary artery
The descending aorta passes through the diaphragm, an anatomical landmark that divides the superior thoracic and inferior abdominal components. diaphragm: 横隔膜.
If you draw an imaginary line at the level of the diaphragm, systemic venous circulation from above that line will generally flow into the superior vena cava. ven(i/o)-: ラ「脈」「静脈」「葉脈」「翅脈」「鉱脈」. superior ⇔inferiorの位置を対でおぼえる.
After exiting the heart, the ascending aorta moves in a superior direction for approximately 5 cm and ends at the sternal angle. sternal angle: 胸骨角[きょうこつかく」.
Highly oxygenated blood returning from the pulmonary capillaries in the lungs passes through a series of vessels that join together to form the pulmonary veins.
The pulmonary veins conduct blood into the left atrium, which pumps the blood into the left ventricle, which in turn pumps oxygenated blood into the aorta and on to the many branches of the systemic circuit.
Each of the upper chambers, the right atrium (pl. atria) and the left atrium, acts as a receiving chamber and contracts to push blood into the lower chamber, the right ventricle or the left ventricle. atri(o)-: ラ「房」「鼓室」「心房」. 心臓を解剖図でみたときに左右を混乱することがあるので注意する.
The left coronary artery distributes blood to the left side of the heart, the left atrium and ventricle, and the interventricular septum. coron(o)-: ラ「王冠」「心臓」. 肝動脈[かんどうみゃく]との区別をつけるために冠状動脈とすべきというみかたもある.
The right coronary artery proceeds along the coronary sulcus and distributes blood to the right atrium, portions of both ventricles, and the heart conduction system. conduction system: 刺激伝導系(心拍を引きおこす電気刺激をつたえるシステム). coronary sulcus: 冠状溝(心房と心室が接合している箇所の上の心臓の表面にある陥没)
The inferior vena cava drains blood from areas inferior to the diaphragm.
The pulmonary valve is comprised of three small flaps of endothelium reinforced with connective tissue. flap: フラップ. endothelium: 内皮、内皮細胞. connective tissue: 結合組織.
After exchange of gases in the pulmonary capillaries, blood returns to the left atrium high in oxygen via one of the four pulmonary veins.
At the base of the aorta is the aortic semilunar valve, or the aortic valve, which prevents backflow from the aorta. semilunar: adj. 半月状の.
Located at the opening between the left atrium and left ventricle is the mitral valve, also called the bicuspid valve or the left atrioventricular valve. bi-: ラ「二」「双」「両」「複」「重」.
When the mitral valve is open, it allows blood to move from the left atrium to the left ventricle. ventricul(o)-: ラ「心室」「(脳の)室・空洞」.
The opening between the right atrium and ventricle is guarded by the tricuspid valve, which consists of three flaps of tissue. tri-: ギ「3」「3倍」「3重」.
Unlike the interatrial septum, the interventricular septum is normally intact after its formation during fetal development. inter-: ラ「中」「間」「相互」「以内」. interatrial septum: 心房間中隔. fetal development: 胎児発育.
The right ventricle receives blood from the right atrium through the tricuspid valve.
Cardiac muscle shares a few characteristics with both skeletal muscle and smooth muscle, but it has some unique properties of its own. cardi(o)-: ギ「心臓」. skeletal muscle: 骨格筋. smooth muscle: 平滑筋.




テキスト『医療通訳』の単語集を自分のものにしよう・第8回 — 内分泌系





日本語 英語
松果体 pineal body
視床下部 hypothalamus
脳下垂体 pituitary gland
甲状腺 thyroid
胸腺 thymus
膵臓 pancreas
副腎 adrenal gland
精巣(睾丸) testis / testicle
卵巣 ovary


日本語 English(lay term) English (medicine)
松果体[しょうかたい] pineal gland, pineal body (epiphysis cerebri)
視床下部[ししょうかぶ] hypothalamus
脳下垂体[のうかすいたい]、下垂体 pituitary gland, pituitary body (hypophysis cerebri)
甲状腺[こうじょうせん] thyroid gland, thyroid
胸腺[きょうせん] thymus
膵臓[すいぞう] pancreas
副腎[ふくじん] adrenal gland
精巣[せいそう]、睾丸[こうがん] testis, testicle
卵巣[らんそう] ovary


Example 語の構成要素 Note
The endocrine system includes the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, and pineal glands. epiphysis cerebriとしての使用例はすくない. endocrine system: 内分泌系. thyroid gland: 甲状腺. parathyroid gland: 副甲状腺. adrenal gland: (suprarenal glandとも) 副腎.
The hypothalamus, thymus, heart, kidneys, stomach, small intestine, liver, skin, female ovaries, and male testes are other organs that contain cells with endocrine function. hyp(o)-: ギ「下に」「以下」. thymus: 胸腺. ovary: 卵巣. testis: (複 testes; testicleとも)精巣.
The pituitary gland secretes growth hormone (GH), which, as its name implies, controls bone growth in several ways. hypophysis cerebriとしての使用例はすくないが、こちらを主要につかっている分類もある. secrete: (動詞)分泌する.
The activity of the thyroid gland is regulated by thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), also called thyrotropin. thyr(o)-: ギ「甲状腺」. thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH): 甲状腺刺激ホルモン (サイロトロピン).
The thymus is an organ of the immune system that is larger and more active during infancy and early childhood, and begins to atrophy as we age. thym(o)-, -thymia: ギ 1. 「胸腺」 2. 「こころ」「精神」「感情」.
The pancreas has both exocrine and endocrine functions. pancreat(o)-: ギ「膵(臓)」. exocrine: (形容詞)外分泌の. endocrine: (形容詞)内分泌の.
The adrenal gland produces epinephrine and norepinephrine to be released into the blood stream as hormones. ad-: ラ「方向」「変化」「付加」「完成」「開始」「近似」「単なる強意」. adren(o)-: ラ「副腎」. ren(i/o)-: ラ「腎(臓)」. epinephrine: エピネフリン(アドレナリンとも); 血糖上昇, 心拍出増加作用がある. norepinephrine: ノルエピネフリン(ノルアドレナリンとも).
The testes (singular = testis) are the male gonads—that is, the male reproductive organs. test(i)-: ラ「睾丸(testicle)」「証人」. gonad: 生殖腺、性腺.
Each of the two uterine tubes (also called fallopian tubes or oviducts) is close to, but not directly connected to, the ovary and divided into sections. ovar-, ovari(o)-: ラ「卵巣」「卵巣と…の」. ov(o/i)-: ラ「卵(eggs, the ovum). uterine tube: 卵管(fallopian tubeまたはFallopian tube ファロピウス管/らっぱ管とも).




テキスト『医療通訳』の単語集を自分のものにしよう・第7回 — 脳神経系






日本語 英語
自律神経 autonomic nerve
交感神経 sympathetic nerve
副交感神経 parasympathetic nerve
中枢神経 central nerve
末梢神経 peripheral nerve
頭蓋骨 skull / cranium
脳弓 fornix
大脳 cerebrum
脳梁 corpus callosum
間脳 diencephalon / interbrain
視床 thalamus
松果体 pineal body
視床下部 hypothalamus
中脳 mesencephalon / midbrain
小脳 cerebellum
延髄 medulla oblongata
脊髄 spinal cord
脳幹 brainstem
硬膜 dura mater
くも膜 arachnoid mater
軟膜 pia mater
視交叉 optic chiasm
髄膜 meninges
脳下垂体 pituitary gland


日本語 English(lay term) English (medicine)
自律神経[じりつしんけい]、自律神経系[じりつしんけいけい] autonomic nerve, autonomic nervous system/ANS
交感神経[こうかんしんけい]、交感神経系[こうかんしんけいけい] sympathetic nerve. sympathetic nervous system/SNS
副交感神経[ふくこうかんしんけい]、副交感神経系[ふくこうかんしんけいけい] parasympathetic nerve, parasympathetic nervous system/PSNS
中枢神経[ちゅうすうしんけい]、中枢神経系[ちゅうすうしんけいけい] central nerve, central nervous system/CNS
末梢神経[まっしょうしんけい]、末梢神経系[まっしょうしんけいけい] peripheral nerve, peripheral nervous system/PNS
頭蓋骨[とうがいこつ(ずがいこつ)] skull skull, cranium
脳弓[のうきゅう] fornix
大脳[だいのう] cerebrum
脳梁[のうりょう] corpus callosum
間脳[かんのう] diencephalon (interbrain)
視床[ししょう] thalamus
松果体[しょうかたい] pineal gland, pineal body (epiphysis cerebri)
視床下部[ししょうかぶ] hypothalamus
中脳[ちゅうのう] midbrain (mesencephalon)
小脳[しょうのう] cerebellum
橋[きょう] pons
延髄[えんずい] medulla oblongata, medulla
脊髄[せきずい] spinal cord
脳幹[のうかん] brainstem
硬膜[こうまく] dura mater, dura
くも膜[くもまく] arachnoid mater, arachnoid
軟膜[なんまく] pia mater, pia
視交叉[しこうさ] optic chiasm, optic chiasma
髄膜[ずいまく] meninges (単数形: meninx)
脳下垂体[のうかすいたい]、下垂体 pituitary gland, pituitary body (hypophysis cerebri)


Example 語の構成要素 Note
The autonomic nervous system is responsible for involuntary control of the body, usually for the sake of homeostasis (regulation of the internal environment). aut(o)-: ギ「自身の」「独自の」「自動の」. nerv(i/o)-: ラ「神経(系)」(まれ、ほぼ neur(i/o)-が使われる).
Thee sympathetic nervous system is responsible for dilating the pupil when light levels are low. sy, syl-, sym-, syn-, sys-: ギ「共に」「同時に」「類似」.
Regulation of pancreatic secretion is the job of hormones and the parasympathetic nervous system. par(a)-, hの前ではpar-: ギ「副次的」「異常」「疑似」.
The central nervous system (CNS) is the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) is everything else.
The peripheral nervous system is so named because it is on the periphery—meaning beyond the brain and spinal cord. peri-: ギ「近い」「まわり[周囲]の」.
The brain is contained within the cranial cavity of the skull. crani(o)-: ギ→ラ「頭蓋」 一般的には「ずがいこつ」と読むが、医学的には「とうがいこつ」. craniumといった場合、下顎骨(mandible)をふくまない分類もある.
One of the primal pathways of the outputs from the hippocampus is the fornix.
The adult brain is separated into four major regions: the cerebrum, the diencephalon, the brain stem, and the cerebellum. cerebr(o)-: ラ「脳」「大脳」. 終脳(telencephalon)として分類されることもある.
For a verbal command to initiate movement of the right arm and hand, the left side of the brain needs to be connected by the corpus callosum. corp(o)-, corpor-, corpus-: ラ「体」.
The diencephalon continues to be referred to by this Greek name, because there is no better term for it (dia- = “through”). dia-: ギ「を通じて」「を横切って」「通して」. cephal(o)-: ギ「頭」「頭部」. interbrainとしての使用例はすくない.
The two major regions of the diencephalon are the thalamus itself and the hypothalamus.
The endocrine system includes the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, and pineal glands. epiphysis cerebriとしての使用例はすくない. endocrine system: 内分泌系. thyroid gland: 甲状腺. parathyroid gland: 副甲状腺. adrenal gland: (suprarenal glandとも) 副腎.
The hypothalamus, thymus, heart, kidneys, stomach, small intestine, liver, skin, female ovaries, and male testes are other organs that contain cells with endocrine function. hyp(o)-: ギ「下に」「以下」. thymus: 胸腺. ovary: 卵巣. testis: (複 testes; testicleとも)精巣.
The brain stem includes the midbrain, pons, and medulla. mesencephalonとしての使用例はすくない.
In the adult brain, the cerebellum seems close to the cerebrum, but there is no direct connection between them. cerebell(i/o)-: ラ「小脳(cerebellum)」.
The pons and the medulla regulate several crucial functions, including the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and rates.
Nervous control over heart rate is centralized within the two paired cardiovascular centers of the medulla oblongata. medull(i/o)-: ラ「髄」「髄質」.
The vertebral column also protects the spinal cord, which passes down the back through openings in the vertebrae. spin(i/o)-: ラ→古仏『脊柱」「脊髄」. vertebral column: 脊柱. vertebra: 椎骨; 複数形 vertebraeで集合的に脊椎とも.
The motor neurons that tell the skeletal muscle fibers to contract originate in the spinal cord, with a smaller number located in the brainstem for activation of skeletal muscles of the face, head, and neck. motor neuron: 運動ニューロン. skeletal muscle fiber: 骨格筋線維.
The dura mater is a thick fibrous layer and a strong protective sheath over the entire brain and spinal cord. fibrous: adj. 線維(質)の. sheath: 鞘[しょう].
The arachnoid mater is a membrane of thin fibrous tissue that forms a loose sac around the central nervous system. -oid: ギ「~のような(もの)」「~状の(もの)」「~質の(もの)」. membrane: 膜. fibrous tissue: 線維組織.
The outer surface of the central nervous system is covered in the thin fibrous membrane of the pia mater.
The axons from the medial retina of the left eye cross over to the right side of the brain at the optic chiasm. op-, opia, -opic, ops(i/o)-, —opsia, -opsis, opt-, -optic, optico-, -opy: ギ「視力」「視覚障害」. axon: (神経細胞の)軸索. medial: (形容詞)内側の、正中線側の、中心線側. retina: 網膜.
The suffix “-itis” denotes inflammation of a specific organ or type, for example, meningitis refers to the inflammation of the meninges, the tough membranes that surround the central nervous system.
The pituitary gland secretes growth hormone (GH), which, as its name implies, controls bone growth in several ways. hypophysis cerebriとしての使用例はすくないが、こちらを主要につかっている分類もある. secrete: (動詞)分泌する.




テキスト『医療通訳』の単語集を自分のものにしよう・第6回 — 消化器各部位





日本語 英語
口腔 oral cavity
咽頭 pharynx
食道 esophagus / food pipe
肝臓 liver
胆管 bile duct
胆のう gallbladder
十二指腸 duodenum
脾臓 spleen
膵臓 pancreas
小腸 small intestine
大腸 large intestine
盲腸 cecum / appendix
虫垂 vermiform appendix
直腸 rectum
肛門 anus
門脈 portal vein


日本語 English(lay term) English (medicine)
口腔[こうくう] oral cavity
舌[した] tongue
咽頭[いんとう] throat pharynx
食道[しょくどう] food pipe, foodpipe, gullet esophagus
肝臓[かんぞう] liver
胆管[たんかん] bile duct
胆のう/胆嚢[たんのう] gallbladder, gall bladder
胃[い] stomach
十二指腸[じゅうにしちょう] duodenum
脾臓[ひぞう] spleen
膵臓[すいぞう] pancreas
小腸[しょうちょう] small bowel small intestine
大腸[だいちょう] large bowel large intestine, colon
盲腸[もうちょう] cecum
虫垂[ちゅうすい] appendix, vermiform appendix
直腸[ちょくちょう] rectum
肛門[こうもん] anus
門脈[もんみゃく] portal vein, hepatic portal vein


Example 語の構成要素 Note
An iconic part of a doctor’s visit is the inspection of the oral cavity and pharynx, suggested by the directive to “open your mouth and say ‘ah.’” or(o)-: ラ「口」.
Stimuli applied to specific locations on the tongue will dissolve into the saliva and may stimulate taste buds connected to either the left or right of the nerves, masking any lateral deficits. lingu(i/o)-: ラ「言語」「舌」.
The vagus nerve directly stimulates the contraction of skeletal muscles in the pharynx and larynx to contribute to the swallowing and speech functions. pharyng(o)-: ギ「咽頭」「のど」 のど(throat)は、咽頭・喉頭・食道をふくむだが、文脈によってつかいわけあれる: 「のどがあかくなっている」(咽頭)、「もちがのどにつまる」(食道)など.
Anteriorly, the laryngopharynx opens into the larynx, whereas posteriorly, it enters the esophagus. esophag(o)-: ギ「食道(gullet)」. laryngopharynx: 咽喉頭.
In addition to being an accessory digestive organ, the liver plays a number of roles in metabolism and regulation. hepat(o)-: ギ「肝臓」
The gallbladder stores, concentrates, and, when stimulated, propels the bile into the duodenum via the common bile duct. bili-: ラ→古仏「胆汁」「胆汁から誘導された」 common bile duct: 総胆管. bile: 胆汁.
The gallbladder‘s mucosa absorbs water and ions from bile, concentrating it by up to ten-fold. chol(e/o)-: ギ「胆汁」. cholecyst(o)-: ギ「胆嚢」. cholecystという単語もあることはあるが、胆嚢そのものを指すよりも、胆嚢炎(cholecystitis)や胆嚢摘出術(cholecystectomy)などにつかわれる.
The digestion of protein starts in the stomach, where HCl and pepsin break proteins into smaller polypeptides, which then travel to the small intestine. gastr(o/i)-: ギ「胃」. HCI: hydrogen chloride 塩化水素. pepsin: ペプシン.
Active transport mechanisms, primarily in the duodenum and jejunum, absorb most proteins as their breakdown products, amino acids. duoden(o)-: ラ「十二指腸」. active transport mechanism: 能動輸送機構.
Throughout adulthood, the liver and spleen maintain their ability to generate the formed elements. splen(o)-: ギ「脾臓(spleen)」. formed element: (血液)有形成分.
Hormones secreted by several endocrine glands, as well as endocrine cells of the pancreas, the stomach, and the small intestine, contribute to the control of digestion and nutrient metabolism. pancreat(o)-: ギ「膵(臓)」.
Foods are not processed in the order they are eaten; rather, they are mixed together with digestive juices in the stomach until they are converted into chyme, which is released into the small intestine. ile(o)-: ギ「回腸(ileum)」(ilio-: ラ「腸骨(ilium)」との混同に注意). 小腸は十二指腸(duodenum)、空腸(jejunum)、回腸(ileum)で構成されている. chyme: 糜粥[びじゅく](cf. bolus 食塊[しょくかい])
Bacteria in the large intestine ferment the undigested lactose, a process that produces gas. col(i/o)-, colono-: ギ「結腸」「大腸菌」. 大腸は盲腸(cecum)、結腸(colon)、直腸(rectum)によって構成される(肛門管 anal canalをふくむ資料、さらに肛門 anusをふくむ資料もある). colonは結腸を指すが、大腸そのものをおおまかにしてつかわれる(大腸内視鏡検査 colonoscopyなど). lactose: ラクトース、乳糖.
The first part of the large intestine is the cecum, a sac-like structure that is suspended inferior to the ileocecal valve. ileocecal valve: 回盲弁.
The appendix (or vermiform appendix) is a winding tube that attaches to the cecum.
Food residue leaving the sigmoid colon enters the rectum in the pelvis, near the third sacral vertebra. rect(o)-: ラ「直腸(rectum)」. sigmoid colon: S状結腸. sacral vertebra: 仙椎.
Both the mouth and anus are open to the external environment; thus, food and wastes within the alimentary canal are technically considered to be outside the body. an(o)-: ラ「肛門」. alimentary canal: 消化管(digestive tract, gastrointestinal tract, GI tractとも). 肛門については俗語がおおいが、使用はひかえる.
Nutrient-rich blood from the small intestine is then carried to the liver via the hepatic portal vein.

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